AODA Feedback Procedures
Mystical Distributing invites and encourages feedback from individuals with disabilities (including customers, employees and the public) about how we are meeting and supporting accessibility in our workplace, the delivery of our services and our customer service.
Please utilize the following Feedback Form to provide us with your inquires, comments and suggestions. Mystical Distributing is constantly striving to remove barriers and improve upon our accessibility; your feedback is always appreciated.
Individuals who wish to provide feedback are encouraged to do so by any of the following ways:
Please submit the online version of our Feedback Form by completing in full and hitting the "submit" button.
In writing:
Please mail the attached form to us at: P.O. 253 Trenton, Ontario K8V 5R5
Via Telephone:
1-800-856-7556 ext.222 or 204
By E-mail:
Please E-mail the Feedback Form as an attachment to:
Please Note: Individuals who provide formal feedback will receive acknowledgement of their submission (so long as contact information is provided), within 48 hours and will be advised of any resulting actions taken based on the concerns or complaints submitted.
September 26, 2023